Lazy Lizard Workout

Sport, health and laziness

I am back!

Two weeks, four flights, hours of walking around, kilometers on the bus and in the taxi, long minutes in Moscow metro – and finally we are home. The trip was awesome: we got to spend time with the family, meet up with friends, go to a soccer game, enjoy the beauty of the Bolshoi, take in lots of Russian culture and have seven successful events as a part of Dave’s “The Wizard of Prali” book tour.

It was simply awesome but everything comes to an end, and we are now back home to real life, but it also back to running! I must tell: this is one thing I really missed in Moscow. Having an apartment in downtown Moscow makes it impossible to workout outdoors, and having lots of pirozhki doesn’t help watching weight. Oh well, it is one of the weaknesses that I have.

I am tired and jetlagged, and I am not sure I can do something today (hopefully tomorrow – yes, I promise) so for now I post a little motivational picture for myself. Keep going, Marina, and keep calm (this is what I really need right now).


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Hold on to it!

Cleaning up the house, and then working out on a clean floor – what can be better? This is my Friday routine now. Level 2 was hard again, and the weather getting hotter and hotter just adds to it, but as Jillian likes to say, “Hold in to it”, and this is what I am doing.

Some motivation for myself:

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Sweating for the dress

It is Wednesday, and it is Dave’s Australian football practice, and for me it means doing my Jillian’s workout. I haven’t done it for almost 2 weeks, and I kinda miss her:) This time I decided to try and do Level 2. OMG, I was all sweaty and exhausted but the feeling of challenging your body and answering to this challenge is so damn good. Love it!

I also found this cool top on I think I need one:)


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Back to my girl

Today was a day off from my running but I still wanted to do something. Dave left for his Australian football practice and I put on my Jullian Michael‘s workout and did level 1. The workout itself felt easy (yay!) but my legs hurt a lot from yesterday. It must be my body changing. Feeling good.


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C25K – W2D2

I’ve been a bad girl for the last couple of days not working out and overeating. Enough with that. Today I got back to my Couch-to-5K Training Plan and completed Week 2 Day 2 and felt good about myself again:

Brisk five-minute warmup walk. Then alternate 90 seconds of jogging and two minutes of walking for a total of 20 minutes.

Yes, my legs hurt but it is a good feeling.  And a motivational poster for me today:

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