Lazy Lizard Workout

Sport, health and laziness

С25K – W7D2

I did what I had planned  – added one more lap, and today I managed to run for 10 laps straight! It is exactly what day 2 of week 7 is:

Brisk five-minute warmup walk, then jog 2.5 miles (or 25 minutes).

The only bad thing is that I did in in 29 minutes, not 25 minutes. Oh well, I told myself – I am not running for time. This time.

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Today is a big day: I just registered for my very first race! I am so excited! 24 days to go, 2+ weeks of my training left, and I can’t wait!

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C25K – W7D1

Today I did what I had planned last night – I added one more lap to my run and did 9 full laps on the track. It means I did 1-1/4 miles. The plan for day 1 of week 7 of my Couch-to-5k Training Plan is:

Brisk five-minute warmup walk, then jog 2.5 miles (or 25 minutes).

I did less than the training plan suggests by 1/4 mile but my time was about 25 min. I am a slow runner. Actually, I am not going for high speed: the resources I am reading recommend new runners take it slow. I just want to do my 5K. Time is not my concern this race at all. It will be my PR (personal record) anyway, and after it I can work on my speed.

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C25K – W6D3

I am  very happy with myself today. I did 6 laps on the track which means I did 2 miles! It was not easy but not too hard. Feeling much more confident about the race now. A week ago I could not do it at all. Progress shown.

Now when I check what day 3 of week 6 was I read:

Brisk five-minute warmup walk, then jog 2-1/4 miles (or 22 minutes) with no walking.

Well, I did less than 2-1/4 miles but the time was about the same (I am as slow as a snail) so I am fine with it. Going to add one more lap tomorrow.

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Hiking at the Big Basin

The weather was beautiful (as always:) so we decided to get out and do some hiking. The place we picked was Big Basin Redwoods State Park. Located in Santa Cruz mountains, it is a great spot for a weekend getaway if you don’t want to drive too far to the Sierras.

We got there in the afteernoon and decided to stick to a short trail. It took us about an hour walk in slow pace, and we saw some amazing redwood trees, two of them called “Father of the Forest” and “Mother of the Forest”.

The map said there was a waterfall in the park as well, and since it was supposed to be 4.5 – 7.5 miles hike we decided to hit it. Surprisingly, it turned out to be 1.7 miles each way only, and the waterfall wasn’t that spectacular but we still had a great time and got some excercise.

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