Lazy Lizard Workout

Sport, health and laziness

C25K – W7D1

on May 29, 2012

Today I did what I had planned last night – I added one more lap to my run and did 9 full laps on the track. It means I did 1-1/4 miles. The plan for day 1 of week 7 of my Couch-to-5k Training Plan is:

Brisk five-minute warmup walk, then jog 2.5 miles (or 25 minutes).

I did less than the training plan suggests by 1/4 mile but my time was about 25 min. I am a slow runner. Actually, I am not going for high speed: the resources I am reading recommend new runners take it slow. I just want to do my 5K. Time is not my concern this race at all. It will be my PR (personal record) anyway, and after it I can work on my speed.

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