Lazy Lizard Workout

Sport, health and laziness

“Spirit of the Marathon”

on June 3, 2012

I am adding a new category to my blog – Art & Movies. I think it is great to combine two things that are more close that we normally think – sports and arts. The reason why I am doing it, is that last Friday I watched a movie that made me think for the whole weekend.

Actually, I was just wondering if there are any running movies out there. I googled it, and was happy and surprised to know that there are quite a few.

I am a Prime Member on Amazon, and can watch some movies for free. I found a free one in the Instant Video section – “Without Limits” – and bookmarked it for Friday.

Unfortunatelly, when Friday came I was sad to find out that I had to pay to watch it. Having paid for my Prime Membership I didn’t want to pay extra so I started looking for something eslse.  Amazon gave me some suggestions and I ended up watching a free movie called “Spirit of the Marathon”. I am so happy I came across it! Such a great movie!

It is a documentary released in 2008 about 6 real people from different walks of life training for the famous Chicago Marathon. Some are professional runners, some are dedicated amateurs and first-time maraptoner, an old gentlement, an overweight lady, a person with disability – all running 26.2 miles. They can do a marathon – I can do a 5k!

The movie is also backed by expert comments and some history, and together with real stories, emotions, and passion for runing it all makes it a great watch. Highly recommended.

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