Lazy Lizard Workout

Sport, health and laziness

HH10K – W1D1

on June 25, 2012

Now when 5K is done, it is time to think what to do next. I know I am slow, and I also have a way to go in terms of running technique but I also run longer distances.

After-race Sunday was lazy, and I took my time to think about my running plans for the next 3 months. I am going to start training for 10K and also run 5K races once a month – it will allow me both to progress and work on my speed.

I’ve googled different training plans, read some blogs and finally picked Hal Higdon’s 10K Training Guide – Novice Program. It looks very balanced to me – I really like the combination of running and CT (cross training). The program is 8 weeks, 6 days a week. I’ve decided to mark it as “HH10K”, and mark each day as W1D1 etc – it will help me to stay on track.

Today I’ve started. According to the program, Mondays following the long run on Sundays, are stretch&strengh. I didn’t do anything last Sunday, and my body was screaming for a run that’s why I decided to switch Monday and Tuesday, and do a 2.5 mile run today.

It was my first post-race run, and I was so tired after the first mile. I was amazed I had done the race just 2 days ago:) But the weather was nice, my body was ready for it and I just moved forward – and was happy with myself.



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