Lazy Lizard Workout

Sport, health and laziness

HH10K – W2D2 (repeat)

I woke up and the first thing I did was turn on Jillian Michaels. I did Level 1 of 30 Day Shred and felt great. Counts as cross-training:))

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HH10K – W2D1 (repeat)

I felt down after the race. Not sure if I should continue running. Just disappointed. Anyway, for now I am still on my Hal Higdon 10K Training Plan but I am not doing a good job. Looks like I’ll be doing (or I’d better say attempting) every week several time. Now I am doing week 2 again.

My right feet hurt from the blister I got at the race, and I didn’t want to run at all. OK, I decided to go to the pool. It has been such a long time since I did it. I am a very poor swimmer but I like swimming. I spent some good 40 minutes in the pool and felt much better. Water cures. Plus, I can consider it cross-training:)

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West Valley Dash of Hope 5K

Today was my first 5K races, and it was a totally different experience. First, I was not as excited about it as the first one. Second, I was running with a friend. Third, the course was much hillier.

Result: I finished at 38:34. Very bad, it it over 3 minutes more than my first 5K result. Actually, it is the gun time – the organizers screwed up and couln’t provide the chip results. What’s the point wearing a chip then?

I am not running for time but I wanted to improve my PR. Didn’t manage to. The race was across Vasona Lake in Los Gatos, a beautiful place, but I didn’t enjoy it. Not sure why. I was focusing just on just finishing, and didn’t have much fun this time. Plus, I got a blister and it hurt.

Feeling down a little. OK, I finished. Should I work more on my speed? I think so. Should I skip races and wait till I am in better shape? Not sure. Decisions decisions…

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HH10K – W2D4

I was so down on myself so I decided to run before the race. 8 am I was up, and for me on Saturday it is pretty early. I went to the track and did 3 miles. Made me feel better about myself and more confident about the race.

And yes, Happy Birthday to me! Unsweet 29:)

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HH10K – W2D3

The weather is nice and cool, I went for a run and managed to do … 1 1/4 miles only:((( My legs were killing me and I thought I was close to an injury. I think the reason was the old shoes I was wearing today but it is all very sad. Very very very unhappy with myself.

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