Lazy Lizard Workout

Sport, health and laziness

Back on track!

on November 2, 2012

Today was such a beautiful day. Sunny and warm, and the leaves are finally turning yellow. I love fall – it always inspires me. I just could not stay in – I put on my shoes and went for a run. Not at the track but in our neighborhood.

I am not sure about the distance but I think it was something like 1.5 miles. I ran for 20 min, the weather and the surrounding were awesome but I had that pain in my right foot again:((( When I finally stopped, I could barely walked. After a few minutes of walking the pain went away but I am not happy about it at all.

I feel I am so out of shape, plus this pain, and the race is coming in less than 3 weeks. Not a happy runner.

When I got home I was upset so I turned on Jillian Michaels and did Level 1 of her 30 Day Shred. It made me feel great! A nice hot shower and a cup of chamomile tea – and I am back to life. I think if I do this routine every day or at least 3 times a week I will be ok for the race. Motivation, I need ya!

And a pic from today. It does no justice to the wonderful weather we are having here in Cali but still.

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