Lazy Lizard Workout

Sport, health and laziness


Dave read a blog about jucing, and suggest we give it a try. OK, said – done. We went shopping for veggies and fruits, got a juice extractor and started juicing. Originally Dave wanted to stick to 30-days juicing fast but we realized that keeping our full-paced life when having just 3 juices a day is not going to happen. One or two juices a day and some food.

Juices actually taste great: you can taste all the ingredients and after you have it you don’t want any crap. You just want some quality food.

Here is kale + watermelon + lime + parsley juice.

Other great options include carrot & cucumber, berries & pineapple, and chard and kale in everything. We just didn’t like the orange one at all. No juicing fast but juicing is on!

Ironically, Runners World just published an article about juicing.

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“Master Your Metabolism” by Jillian Michaels

I’ve been thinking about getting a copy of this book for quite sometime, and finally last night it arrived. Of course, I started reading it as soon as I unpacked it.


What can I say: it is one SCARY book! It doesn’t talk about calories or portion size – is talks about hormones and how we abuse our bodies. I am amazed! Even Jillian had issues with it not to say us. It is not a pleasant read but I hope I learn and IMPLEMENT what the book is preaching. Looks like big pantry clean up and total body detoxing coming soon.



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