Lazy Lizard Workout

Sport, health and laziness

Running Belt

Today it hot, very hot (above 100F) so I used it as an excuse not to run.

Instead of posting my running progress, I will share with you little something I treated myself to recently: Double Pocket Running Belt. I was thinking about getting one for such a long time – I had to get it!

First I was thinking about getting an iPhone running case to wear on my arm but then I thought it was not what I needed. First, when I run/walk I prefer not to listen to music. Second, I needed some space for my key chain.

I went on eBay and looked around. This belt seemed ok, it was under $6 with free shipping – what a steal. I ordered, and a few days later got it in my mail box.

Yesterday I gave it a try: it turned out to be exactly what I needed.


Double pocket feature is awesome: one is for my iPhone, and the other one is for my key chain. It fits perfectly, comfy and gives me more freedom. Yes, it might be not one of those fancy belts professional runners have but for me it is more than enough for now. Happy camper:)


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Day off, shopping and socializing

Today was a day off, and I had all the right in the world for it. First, I’ve been a good girl all week working out according to the plan. Second, Dave had his book signing at Barnes & Noble in San Bruno and I was going to be there. I love attending his events – sometimes I think I get even more excited than him.

It was my first time in San Bruno, and after the book signing was done (it was very successful by the way, very proud of my honey) I decided to check out the mall. Sportswear shopping was on my list for this weekend anyways, and I used the chance to get myself a nice sports bra and a cute pink top. They should go great with my grey-and-pink shorts. Happy.

On the way back to San Jose we stopped in Cupertino to meet up with Ksenia, a Ph.D. student at Stanford, who is also doing C5K and very likely to join me for the race on June 23rd. Partner in crime?

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