Lazy Lizard Workout

Sport, health and laziness

West Valley Dash of Hope 5K – Results

I already knew that my results at that race were bad, plus, the organizers measured gun time only. Why did we have to wear a chip then? Anyway, the ‘official’ results are out, and I am posting them here just for the record.

I was the 13th in my age group (out of 23), and came in 99 overall (out of 203).

Gun time: 38:34:9. No chip time. 


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West Valley Dash of Hope 5K

Today was my first 5K races, and it was a totally different experience. First, I was not as excited about it as the first one. Second, I was running with a friend. Third, the course was much hillier.

Result: I finished at 38:34. Very bad, it it over 3 minutes more than my first 5K result. Actually, it is the gun time – the organizers screwed up and couln’t provide the chip results. What’s the point wearing a chip then?

I am not running for time but I wanted to improve my PR. Didn’t manage to. The race was across Vasona Lake in Los Gatos, a beautiful place, but I didn’t enjoy it. Not sure why. I was focusing just on just finishing, and didn’t have much fun this time. Plus, I got a blister and it hurt.

Feeling down a little. OK, I finished. Should I work more on my speed? I think so. Should I skip races and wait till I am in better shape? Not sure. Decisions decisions…

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Just registered for my second 5K race!

Yay! I’ve just registered for my second 5K race. July 22, 2012 in beautiful Los Gatos, CA. West Valley Dash of Hope, here I come!  Very excited! Now need to focus on my training.

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Upcoming 5K races

I have to take a little break from actual training but it doesn’t mean I gave up. I am reading Runner’s World, learning a lot of new things, and even subscribed to RW for one year.

I am also trying to make my plans and searching for the upcoming races. I think while I am training for my first 10K I can do one 5K race a month. Here are the races I am thinking about.

July 22, 2012 – West Valley Dash of Hope 5K – Vasona Lake Park, Los Gatos, CA

August 11, 2012 – Dammit Run 5 miles – Los Gatos, CA

September 22, 2012 – Trail Hog 5K – Joseph D. Grant County Park, San Jose, CA

I am not 100% sure about the August and September races since the first one is 5 miles not 5K, and the second one is a trail race (need to specially train for this one) but I am pretty condifent about doing the one in Los Gatos in July. Just less than 3 weeks from now. Very excited:)


Packard Summer Scamper 5K results

The race results are now up! My time was 35:17:2. Overall result 412 out of 992. Since it was my first race, it is my PR for now.

In my age group I was the 34th out of 93.

I think not too bad for the first time. Next race my goal is to run out of 35 min.