Lazy Lizard Workout

Sport, health and laziness

Runner’s World

Finally I treated myself to a copy of Runner’s World.

I brought it home and set it aside till I could spend some quality time reading it. Starting a new book or magazine is like meeting and getting to know someone new. I don’t like doing it in a hurry. Being a beginner, I am interested in everything – fr0m feature articles to ads. Wow, what a great and inspirational reading! Lots of useful info, amazing stories. Looks like I’ll be subscribing to RW at least for 1 year.

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C25K – W1D2 (repeat)

Taking it easy, I repeated Week 1 Day 2 of The Couch-to-5K Training Plan:

Brisk five-minute warmup walk. Then alternate 60 seconds of jogging and 90 seconds of walking for a total of 20 minutes.

At the end I felt tired but not as much as last Monday. Getting there. Thinking about passing on to Week 2 workout this week.

Today I’ve been also googling running sites and thought about reading some running magazines. About Runner’s World I’ve heard before, and it does look interesting. Bunch of info on their website as well.

But what really attracted my attention today was Women’s Running Magazine. It is about running and it is for women, i.e. for me. The website features amazing stories about women who run and run the world. Very inspirational.

I also enjoyed reading “Perfect 5k PR” and learning about different training programs, and I was surprised to learn that PR can also stand for Personal Record, not only Public Relations.  I also liked the post on sports bra on their Women’s Running blog. Just this one line “Our breasts weren’t made to travel the vertical height of a skyscraper!” made me thankful for buying my racebra.

While I am not going to subscribe to any magazine right away (I have this thing: once I start doing something with totally gearing up I soon give up on the main thing) I am going to check out running website and learn about this new to me sport.

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