Lazy Lizard Workout

Sport, health and laziness

Back on track!

Today was such a beautiful day. Sunny and warm, and the leaves are finally turning yellow. I love fall – it always inspires me. I just could not stay in – I put on my shoes and went for a run. Not at the track but in our neighborhood.

I am not sure about the distance but I think it was something like 1.5 miles. I ran for 20 min, the weather and the surrounding were awesome but I had that pain in my right foot again:((( When I finally stopped, I could barely walked. After a few minutes of walking the pain went away but I am not happy about it at all.

I feel I am so out of shape, plus this pain, and the race is coming in less than 3 weeks. Not a happy runner.

When I got home I was upset so I turned on Jillian Michaels and did Level 1 of her 30 Day Shred. It made me feel great! A nice hot shower and a cup of chamomile tea – and I am back to life. I think if I do this routine every day or at least 3 times a week I will be ok for the race. Motivation, I need ya!

And a pic from today. It does no justice to the wonderful weather we are having here in Cali but still.

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Hiking at the Big Basin

The weather was beautiful (as always:) so we decided to get out and do some hiking. The place we picked was Big Basin Redwoods State Park. Located in Santa Cruz mountains, it is a great spot for a weekend getaway if you don’t want to drive too far to the Sierras.

We got there in the afteernoon and decided to stick to a short trail. It took us about an hour walk in slow pace, and we saw some amazing redwood trees, two of them called “Father of the Forest” and “Mother of the Forest”.

The map said there was a waterfall in the park as well, and since it was supposed to be 4.5 – 7.5 miles hike we decided to hit it. Surprisingly, it turned out to be 1.7 miles each way only, and the waterfall wasn’t that spectacular but we still had a great time and got some excercise.

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